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Why you should join LBA

It's nearly membership renewal time! Here's a reminder of the benefits of being an LBA member. Look for our membership renewal email in the coming weeks!


LBA’s mission is to promote a broad range of Brownfields-related objectives and initiatives, including environmental restoration, economic revitalization, natural resource preservation, conservation and recreational-based beneficial reuse, enhancement of financial and regulatory incentives, job creation and training, public health, environmental equity and justice and community outreach and education.


The LBA strives to accomplish this mission through partnership with a diverse membership that includes a wide variety of stakeholders, including property owners; developers; local, State, and Federal agency representatives; urban and regional planners; regulatory experts; community leaders; legal experts; financial and insurance industry representatives; environmental professionals, and other parties that may be interested in promoting Brownfield-related goals.

LBA recently received funding from EPA’s outreach contractor, Kansas State University (KSU) Technical Assistance to Brownfields (TAB), to provide outreach and assistance in Louisiana. In addition, LBA now works in partnership with KSU TAB to facilitate a structured engagement to share ideas with other KSU TAB partners throughout the US. This partnership enables the LBA to provide our members with the latest technical insights supported by national experience.


The LBA is a non-profit organization and is looking for interested individuals who would like to play an important role in shaping Brownfields redevelopment in Louisiana. Please consider joining LBA as an individual or corporate member. Member benefits include:

  • Membership Meetings (learning and networking)

  • Calendar of Events

  • Newsletter

  • Letters of Support for Brownfields Grant Applications

  • Networking Opportunities

  • Grant Application Support and Reviews

  • Brownfields Program Guidance Workshops (KSU TAB/EPA/LDEQ)

  • New Grantee Support

  • Competitive Student Scholarship to National Brownfields Conference


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