Conference Scholarship Program

What is the Conference Scholarship Program?
Each year, LBA offers a Conference Scholarship Program to be used toward attending the National Brownfields Training Conference hosted by the US EPA.
Who is eligible for the scholarship?
The Conference Scholarship is available to government employees working in a brownfield related career, or to students actively enrolled in undergraduate, graduate, or job-training programs in an environmental or related field in the state of Louisiana. This award is intended for individuals who are planning a career in the environmental industry to be used for attendance at an industry-related conference or training opportunity with the intention of introducing the successful scholarship recipient to industry professionals and career options.
How much is the scholarship and what does it cover?
The scholarship amount will not exceed $1,000 and will be paid as a reimbursement for actual conference registration fees, travel expenses, and meals at standard per diem rates. Receipts shall be provided to the LBA by the scholarship recipient prior to reimbursement. Prepayment for expenses may be considered depending upon recipient’s personal circumstances. The award recipient will be required to write an article for the LBA newsletter detailing his/her experience within one month of returning from the conference. In addition to scholarship dollars, the award recipient will receive individual Membership of LBA for 2023.
How do I apply?
Applicants shall be required to complete the application form linked below. In addition to the application form, student applicants are required to submit transcripts or enrollment verification, current major and a letter of recommendation via email to Letters of recommendation could include an academic professional, a community leader, and an environmental professional.
The applicant shall be required to submit an essay of no less than 500 and no more than 1000 words that includes information about the applicant, the applicant’s educational goals and professional aspirations.
When is the deadline to apply?
Applications, and letter of recommendation must be received by June 30, 2023. The award shall be announced by July 15, 2023.
2023 Conference Scholarship Application Now Available
Application deadline is June 30, 2023
In addition to submitting the online application, send your letter of interest to us at