Board of Directors
Jasmine Thomas
Louisiana Brownfields Association Board Member
Jasmine is a Senior Planner for the Long Range Division at the Baton Rouge Planning Commission and currently manages the Baton Rouge Brownfields Program. Since working with the Brownfields program in 2019, Jasmine has worked with various partnering agencies at the local, state and federal level on brownfield related projects and managed the LDEQ Small Technical Assistance Grant to conduct a multisite inventory along a historic corridor in North Baton Rouge. Jasmine has also applied for and won a $500,000 EPA Brownfield Assessment Grant to support the redevelopment of key sites in Baton Rouge. Jasmine works on economic development incentives including Restoration Tax Abatements and Enterprise Zones and works on coordinating and implementing FUTUREBR, the Comprehensive Land Use and Development Plan for East Baton Rouge Parish.
Jasmine earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Geographical Information Science (GIS) in 2017 and earned her Master degree in Urban and Regional Planning, with a focus in hazard and disaster planning from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in 2019. Jasmine is a Disciple of Jesus and loves worshipping God and serving others! In her spare time she loves watching sports, working out and enjoying nature.